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  • clients(at)canadacompanyformation.com
  • +1 (416) 363–2727


These are testimonials of our partners in various countries.

Canada-immigration.lawyer is one of the long-term partners of BridgeWest. With their support, we helped many clients move to different regions of Canada. We want to thank them for their answers and their patience in dealing with all our queries all this time.

Vlad Cuc – Director of Bridgewest (bridgewest.eu)

We first used the services of canada-immigration.lawyer a few years ago when we had some unclarities related to an immigration policy. Ever since, we used their knowledge and solutions on other occasions, as they due diligent in their activities and always pay attention to details.

Francesco Dagnino, Partner of Lexia Avvocati (www.lawyersitaly.eu)

We recommend canada-immigration.lawyer to people who want to relocate for business or work, as the team there has experience in both matters. From legal support in preparing immigration papers to accessing various programs, we have witnessed firsthand how professional they are.

Attorney at Law Cristian Darie – Darie, Manea & Associates (rolegal.com)

We decided to work with the specialists at canada-immigration.lawyer for their proficiency. We appreciate how quick they are with their answers even when they are very busy, and for this, we want to thank them!

Federico Richardson Alborna, Partner of Lexidy Law Boutique SLP (lawyersspain.eu)